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Couldn't create Redis clients.`, ); } } // handle messages received via psubscribe and subscribe this.redisSubscriber.on('pmessage', this.onMessage.bind(this)); // partially applied function passes undefined for pattern arg since 'message' event won't provide it: this.redisSubscriber.on('message', this.onMessage.bind(this, undefined)); this.subscriptionMap = {}; this.subsRefsMap = {}; this.currentSubscriptionId = 0; } public async publish<T>(trigger: string, payload: T): Promise<void> { await this.redisPublisher.publish(trigger, this.serializer ? this.serializer(payload) : JSON.stringify(payload)); } public subscribe<T = any>( trigger: string, onMessage: OnMessage<T>, options: unknown = {}, ): Promise<number> { const triggerName: string = this.triggerTransform(trigger, options); const id = this.currentSubscriptionId++; this.subscriptionMap[id] = [triggerName, onMessage]; const refs = this.subsRefsMap[triggerName]; if (refs && refs.length > 0) { this.subsRefsMap[triggerName] = [...refs, id]; return Promise.resolve(id); } else { return new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => { const subscribeFn = options['pattern'] ? this.redisSubscriber.psubscribe : this.redisSubscriber.subscribe;, triggerName, err => { Iif (err) { reject(err); } else { this.subsRefsMap[triggerName] = [ ...(this.subsRefsMap[triggerName] || []), id, ]; resolve(id); } }); }); } } public unsubscribe(subId: number): void { const [triggerName = null] = this.subscriptionMap[subId] || []; const refs = this.subsRefsMap[triggerName]; if (!refs) throw new Error(`There is no subscription of id "${subId}"`); if (refs.length === 1) { // unsubscribe from specific channel and pattern match this.redisSubscriber.unsubscribe(triggerName); this.redisSubscriber.punsubscribe(triggerName); delete this.subsRefsMap[triggerName]; } else { const index = refs.indexOf(subId); this.subsRefsMap[triggerName] = index === -1 ? refs : [...refs.slice(0, index), ...refs.slice(index + 1)]; } delete this.subscriptionMap[subId]; } public asyncIterator<T>(triggers: string | string[], options?: unknown): AsyncIterator<T> { return new PubSubAsyncIterator<T>(this, triggers, options); } public getSubscriber(): RedisClient { return this.redisSubscriber; } public getPublisher(): RedisClient { return this.redisPublisher; } public close(): Promise<Ok[]> { return Promise.all([ this.redisPublisher.quit(), this.redisSubscriber.quit(), ]); } private readonly serializer?: Serializer; private readonly deserializer?: Deserializer; private readonly triggerTransform: TriggerTransform; private readonly redisSubscriber: RedisClient; private readonly redisPublisher: RedisClient; private readonly reviver: Reviver; private readonly subscriptionMap: { [subId: number]: [string, OnMessage<unknown>] }; private readonly subsRefsMap: { [trigger: string]: Array<number> }; private currentSubscriptionId: number; private onMessage(pattern: string, channel: string, message: string) { const subscribers = this.subsRefsMap[pattern || channel]; // Don't work for nothing.. if (!subscribers || !subscribers.length) return; let parsedMessage; try { parsedMessage = this.deserializer ? this.deserializer(message) : JSON.parse(message, this.reviver); } catch (e) { parsedMessage = message; } for (const subId of subscribers) { const [, listener] = this.subscriptionMap[subId]; listener(parsedMessage); } } } export type Path = Array<string | number>; export type Trigger = string | Path; export type TriggerTransform = ( trigger: Trigger, channelOptions?: unknown, ) => string; export type Reviver = (key: any, value: any) => any; export type Serializer = (source: any) => string; export type Deserializer = (source: string) => any; |